Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daisy Kingdom Doll Dresses

I LOVE Daisy Kingdom dresses.
Whenever I'd browse through patterns, I'd pause for a while to admire the Daisy Kingdom dress patterns, taking a moment to imagine how adorable they'd turn out in different fabrics.

So, when I found patterns for American Girl doll dresses that were Daisy Kingdom, I was in heaven. I had to make some up as quickly as possible!

Here are just three that I have done. I am so thrilled with how they turned out!
They were a little more work than normal, but the results were SO worth it.

Take a look, then head over to my Etsy site. I'll post some there soon. :D

Friday, October 17, 2008

Shana's Hats

My daughter is recently obsessed with vintage style crocheted hats. Some of them are pretty cute. Here's a pic of one of them, and at the bottom is a link to her etsy site. Enjoy.
